Eaman Park Pool Members,
As we come to a close this weekend, this is the MOST important email you will receive all season, as promised! The Board met early this week to finalize some good things and we all wanted to keep you in the loop.
Money, Money, Money!
Remember that very first email this season, where we mentioned that last year the concession stand lost $277 and we started with a $107 deficit?! Well, the Concession Stand made just a few dollars shy of $1,000!! Yes! $1,000! We still have one weekend left, but we wanted to share with you more numbers:
- Concession Stand: $969.19
- Fundraising Income (Yard Sale): $449
- Guest Revenue: $165
- Membership Dues: $36,135
- Pool Parties: $1,627
- Income: $1,084.24
- Total (To Date) Income: 40,969.31
Our total expenses to date are $28,128.99. This includes so far, but not limited to: Chemicals and Replumbing the Pump Room ($5,277.78); Insurance ($3,471.95) Lifeguard Payroll, Expenses, and Tax ($9,813.49); Property Taxes ($1,682.72); Utilities ($5,399.28). We still have another nine months of Utilities, another weekend of Lifeguard payroll, and various other maintenance items before our End of Year totals.
3 Year Plan
Why do we want you to know this? We want to be completely transparent and we have a three year plan. This plan includes resurfacing the pool ($20,000), retiling the pool ($6,000), up grading our ancient filter ($9,000) and pump ($10,000), and various other things, such as filling the baby pool, taking down that fence, adding more and replacing picnic tables, repainting the bathroom floors, etc. These estimates are just that…estimates. Specific quotes are drizzling in from various companies. Depending on the market and season, they can change a bit, but these numbers help us figure out the short and long-term puzzle.
In order for us to know what we can accomplish during the down season, it is important for us to know who will be coming back and that we have money in the bank, should something unforeseen occur. Long story short, we have been very conservative with our money this season and hope that trend continues as we give new life to EPP!
2015 Memberships
Speaking of giving new life to EPP…last year, we ended the year with a total of 83 Individual and Family Memberships. This year, we are ending with a total of 118 Individual and Family Memberships! Of those, 41 are new memberships! Because of this great increase, we want to spread the wealth and share a great savings next year with all and came up with some clever ways to make it easier for you to pay!
Ways to Pay your 2016 Dues
There are three ways for you to pay for your 2016 Dues, which include: On-Line Payment Plan, Check, and Credit Card. All dues must be paid by June 1, 2016. By June 1, we hope to know just how many new summer memberships, if any, we can accept. Also, it’s important for us to know how many of you will be coming back…so we can complete some really great projects over the down season! (Is this repetitive? Yes…on purpose!)
- On-Line Payment Plan can be set-up on our website, EamanParkPool.com, via PayPal with any credit card. Payments will be withdrawn automatically for 9 months Oct. – June, 2016. You will need to set it up by Mid-Oct. We will be taking this option down as of Oct. 15.
- Pay by Check over the off season or during the first few weeks we are open in May, 2016.
- Pay by Credit Card with one payment during the first few weeks we are open in May, 2016 at the Guard Shack.
The Nitty Gritty
Family Membership for Stockholders:
- On-line Payment Plan: 9 payments of $37 = $333 (processing fees included)
- Pay by Check BEFORE April 1, 2016 = $325
- Pay by Check or Credit Card AFTER April 1, 2016 = $375
Family Membership for New 2015 Summer Members:
Discounted 2016 Membership Dues is $475 = $275 + $200 for 1 time purchase of stock
- On-line Payment Plan: 9 payments of $54 = $486 (processing fees included)
- Pay by Check or Credit Card by June 1, 2016 = $475
Individual Membership for Stockholders:
- On-line Payment Plan: 9 payments of $23 = $207 (processing fees included)
- Pay by Check BEFORE April 1, 2016 = $200
- Pay by Check or Credit Card AFTER April 1, 2016 = $250
Individual Membership for New Summer 2015 Members:
Discounted 2016 Membership Dues is $375 = $175 + $200 for 1 time purchase of stock
- On-line Payment Plan: 9 payments of $43 = $378 (processing fees included)
- Pay by Check or Credit Card by June 1, 2016 = $375
We have attached all of the updated 2016 Membership Forms on the website and attached to this email. You will also notice that we attached the New Summer Membership form, in case your friends want that information too!
“It’s fun to use my powers for good, instead of for evil!”
-Bob Clark, Eaman Park Pool’s CPO (Control Pool Operator…the chemical guy!)
As we mentioned before, the pool is completely run by volunteers, except for the lifeguards. Who are these mysterious Superheroes?! (This is their very public thank you from the lady behind the updates!)
Bob Clark-Our fearless chemical guy, who came to the pool almost daily to check our water, skimmers, and vacuum the bottom of the floor. He stepped into the pool’s pump room way back in April and laughed…yes, laughed. Today, he is all in and leading the way with our 3 year plan. The pool would not be open without him. Thank you so much for your knowledge and daily dedication, Bob. We ALL appreciate it!
Jon Palmer-With his super-sized mower and ever-growing tool bag, Jon made sure that we could turn on the water main this year. We sort of need water at the pool, so we thank him a thousand times over. He fixed over four water leaks in our pipes way back in April and has continued to improve the pool with the hammocks, new basketball hoops, beautiful lawn, etc. Also, he was the guy who would hit up Sam’s Club for all of our Concession Stand goodies with a moment’s notice throughout the season. Goodness…what would be do without our Ring Pops and Crackerjacks?!!
Carrie Mason and Shelley Palmer-These two ladies were the motivational and emotional support behind the whole production. With their combined experience, they provided a ton of information about how to keep the pool moving and people enjoying their time at the pool this season…not to mention both of them stepping in as President, sometimes with a few minutes notice! Thank you ladies…really, thank you!
Pamela McClendon-With her files, binders, and years of experience, Pamela helped make the transition from last year’s officers to this year’s much easier. We thank her for her support at ALL of the board meetings…plus those extra special meetings and Pool Work Days in between! Thank you Pamela!
David Wilson-With a great hair brained idea, the HUGE yard sale was born! Thank you David for pushing us along to declutter and make almost $500! You were a rock star with your truck at 5:30am! Also, thank you for the last three years of your term as a Board Member. We appreciate your time. Now enjoy that pool sans-meetings!
Christine Wilson-Without her help setting up the website, we would not be able to connect so easily with new members and create such an easy payment plan. Also, it would look like we were still back in 90s! Thank you for bringing us up to 2015, Christine!
Ellen Kirk-The most important Superhero of them all who keeps the water in the pool, the lights on, and guards oh so happy! As our Treasurer, she so gracefully opened her door to us weekly to drop off piles and piles of coins and stacks of cash and checks. Ellen keeps us all in check with her amazing and accurate lists of numbers. Thanks you Ellen for making sure the bills are paid and we stay afloat!
And all of you that pitched in to replace a toilet paper roll, dropped off your random bags of clothes for the yard sale, dropped off a case of coke or two, mentioning a possible pool party to your friends, encouraging new members to join, and your enthusiasm at all of the fun events! We had a great summer and look forward to many more with you!
With all of that, we hope you all had a great time! We hope to see you Monday at the Labor Day Potluck to help put everything away for the winter.
As a side note, due to the unforeseen rescheduling of the Salisbury HS Football game, we will be guard-less Monday evening from 2pm until close. Again, thank you for your understanding. If you know any high schooler interested in guarding next year, please have him/her fill out the application on our website!
See you at the pool,
The Pool Crew